Prayer Life

Prayer is Gift of God

Prayer can allow us to grow in real intimacy with our Creator, Our Redeemer and our ever present Companion, the Holy Spirit.

Together with our living in community and living out our mission, prayer is a vital part of our experience as Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate. Each Sister has the privilege of coming together in communal prayer through morning and evening prayers and daily attendance at Mass. Because the Pallottines value the place of Scripture in our lives, they encourage personal prayer with the Word of God and weekly Scripture sharing with the community.

Each local community of Sisters offers the opportunity for growth in prayer as a way to enhance their relationship with God and with one another. It is through intimacy with God that the Pallottines can serve others and in turn, it is also through serving others that they can come into a deeper union with God. Specifically the major elements of our prayer life are the Eucharist, parts of the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office), the practice of the spiritual reading of Scripture, the practice of Lectio Divina in our own prayer life and in our community life when we gather to share the Scriptures.

Pallottine Life & Spirituality

If you are not overly familiar with these forms of prayer, here are some articles you might find of interest. Read some now or come back when you have more time. You are always welcome.

On Prayer

The Gift of Prayer

How to Pray

Coming into the Presence of God

The Way of the Heart – Henri Nouwen

What Prayer Is – Thomas Green

What is Prayer – Jean Vanier How to Pray

The Examen of Consciousness

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina – an Overview

The Practice of Lectio Divina

Accepting the Embrace of God – The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina

The Eight Stages of Lectio Divina – Building on a Tradition

The Classical Monastic Practice of Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina Theory

Praying with Scripture

Praying with Scripture – Armand Nigro, SJ.

Methods for Praying the Scriptures

Pondering the Scriptures with Your Heart

A Method of Contemplation from The Spiritual Exercises

Gospel Contemplation A Fuller Explanation of the Ignatian Tradition

The Divine Office

The Liturgy of the Hours – Consecrating the Day to God

The Liturgy of the Hours in the Catholic Catechism

How to Pray the Psalms

Praying the Psalms – Thomas Merton

Making Sense of the Psalter